Following Your Passion vs. Pursuing Your Career
Academic and professional competition is at an all-time high in today's world. Everyone wants to do their best, to be successful, and to have a good financial foundation in order to live a stress-free life. People frequently choose their professional fields by sacrificing their dreams, happiness, and passion. Undeniably, everyone wants to earn a steady income and live a life that meets all of their financial and emotional needs. However, we often lose sight of our "inner calling" while pursuing the right course of study and landing the right job. A person can become so preoccupied with the monetary aspects of life that he or she loses sight of their passion. XEM THÊM : 5 cách hay nhất trong sách 99 cách dụ heo đỏ để chặt Passion? What exactly is passion? Is everyone enthusiastic about what they are pursuing? When is a person truly passionate? While working? And how can we strive to incorporate passion into our lives if we are not passionate about what we do? These are t...